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Armando Gómez-Guerrero
Arian Correa-Díaz
Luis U. Castruita-Esparza


To understand how forests will behave under climate change, it is important to consider the processes related to the functionality of forest ecosystems. In this review the trends of the forest area of Mexico is described in a general context, highlighting the natural recovery capacity of forest ecosystems. Given the strong connection between forests and water, the relationship between changes in cover and surface runoff is addressed. The main disturbances to forests as a consequence of climate change are also highlighted. As the most relevant contribution, five critical process are emphasized that are seldom considered in the subject of climate change, but these process define the dynamics of forests ecosystems, namely: hydraulic failure, water use efficiency, xylogenesis, resilience components and ecosystem hysteresis. Understanding these critical points helps in understanding the response of forest ecosystems to climate change. A scientific explanation of how forest ecosystems work will help to propose specific strategies on the management of these ecosystems and generate models with greater and more realistic capacity to predict forest dynamics under the scenario of climate change.

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